Texas Republican Dumpster Fire: Poor, Poor, Pitiful Ken Paxton

AUSTIN, Texas – Today, Ken Paxton addressed the guests and delegates at the Texas Republican Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Paxton’s introduction video indicated that the AG is taking a page out of Trump’s playbook and painting himself to be a persecuted figure innocent of any allegations of wrongdoing. 

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

Ken Paxton, who was infamously impeached on bribery and abuse of office charges, used his convention stage time to sidestep any allegations of wrongdoing for himself – and Donald Trump. And, after a rambling speech about culture wars that only appeal to his dwindling MAGA base – it’s clear that Paxton’s lack of original thought and any standard of professional or personal ethics has comfortably landed him on Trump’s U.S. Attorney General shortlist. There is no fancy campaign ad, public appearance, or higher office that can convince Texans that Ken Paxton is a defender of freedom or justice.”



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