Texas Republican Dumpster Fire: Dan Patrick Spotlights MAGA Agenda for Texans

AUSTIN, Texas – Today kicked off the first session of the Texas Republican Convention in San Antonio, Texas. There’s nothing that Dan Patrick won’t say–or do–to make his Lord and Savior, Donald Trump, proud. 

Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued the following statement:

“Dan Patrick is putting on a pretty good audition for Trump’s #1 Bootlicker. His address to the Texas Republican Convention regurgitated language from what could only be described as a Truth Social homepage copy-and-paste job. It’s clear that MAGA extremism fuels the Republican Party of Texas. It's beyond reckless for a party that so casually accepts extremists  to sit on their executive board, or run for precinct chair – let alone govern 30 million people.”



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